Craig Stephens
District Justice
301 Lindsay Road
Scott Township, PA 15106
Magisterial district court 05-2-22 is located in the Scott Township Municipal Building at 301 Lindsay Road. Magisterial district court 05-2-22 serves Scott Township, Greentree Borough and Heidelberg Borough. The current magistrate is Craig Stephens.
The magistrate office handles civil and landlord/tenant disputes that are up to the amount of $12,000. The magistrate’s office additionally handles criminal cases, traffic citations, code enforcement violations and truancy matters. The magistrate also performs marriages, the swearing in of officials and notarization services.
The magistrate office will provide any assistance and the necessary forms for the filing of complaints but CANNOT give legal advice on any matter.
The magistrate office staff consists of an administrative secretary and a clerk. The office is also assisted by local state constables who provide courtroom security, service of process and prisoner transports.
The magistrate’s office is open Monday through Friday at 8:30 AM. The office closes at 4:30 PM. Please note that the magistrate office is closed on weekends and court holidays. The magistrate office hours are posted at the office entrance in the municipal building as are court ordered holiday closures.
The magistrate office can be reached by phone at (412)276-7887 FAX (412)276-0654 or by stopping at the office service window where staff will provide assistance.