Waste Management Phone Number – 1-800-866-4460
To see the 2025 Scott Township garbage and recycling schedule, click Waste Management Scott Township 2025 Calendar
If you’re not sure whether your street is on the A schedule or the B schedule, please click the image here:

Regular Curbside Collection:
Garbage and refuse should be placed at the curb after 5:00 PM on Sunday and before 6:00 AM on Monday for collection.
Guidelines for Collection:
- Garbage must be in property secured provided Waste Management containers
- Two large items (bulk items) including all furniture items, appliances, household goods and disassembled children’s swing sets will be accepted at curbside the first Monday of the first full week of each month.
- Carpet should be rolled and tied in lengths not to exceed 48″ so that one man can lift and will only be accepted as a “bulk item” the first full week of each month.
Excluded Items:
- Building materials may be picked up for a fee by calling Waste Management at 1-800-866-4460
- Automobile parts, including wheels, rims and tires
- Trees, branches, and grass clippings.
- Ashes from furnaces and fireplaces
- Stones and dirt, liquid paint
Please see the following information update presented to the Township by Waste Management. Most notably, bulk pickups are for up to TWO bulk items during the bulk pickup days.

SHACOG – Extra Bag Pickup – Social and Website Blurb
Residential Curbside Recycling Pickup
Scott Township is mandated by Act 101 to remind residents about the requirements of our recycling programs every six months. The following charts outline proper recycling procedures:
The Township provides blue recycling bins for residents’ recyclables. Place your blue recycling bin out with your trash to be picked up every other week by Allied Waste. Garbage cans and other containers for garbage and recycling may not be placed at curbside until 5:00 pm the previous day of scheduled collection. Containers must be removed from curbside by 9:00 pm of scheduled collection day.
Waste Management will continue to pick-up all household rubbish on Monday’s.
The items they will NOT pick-up are:
- Building Materials
- Auto body parts
- Medical waste
- More than one large item (ie., couch, sofa, etc. – call to schedule special pick-up)
Hazardous materials (such as paint, oil & gasoline) Old paint cans which contain no liquid will be picked up by the hauler if the lid is not on and the can is empty and dry. If the paint can contains paint you should fill it with kitty litter and let it sit until the material is solid.
Medical and Cooling Waste
To dispose of medical waste please check with your local pharmacy.
Old refrigerators and air conditioners will only be picked up by the hauler if the Freon is removed by a certified technician and a sticker verifying that the materials have been removed is placed on the appliance. You can contact a local heating/air-conditioning company to have this certification.
Trash pickup
Trash will be picked up every Monday except for Memorial Day and Labor Day, it will be picked up on Tuesday of those weeks.
Concerns, complaints and missed pick-ups, please contact Waste Management at 1-800-866-4460
Recycling Information Click Here
Questions Regarding Refuse or Recycling Collection Call:
Waste Management of PA at 1-800-866·4460.