The James G. Fulton Flood Protection Project on Chartiers Creek was constructed under the authority of Section 204 of the Flood Control Act of 1965 (Public Law 89-298 of the 89th Congress, S.2300). The project is located on Chartiers Creek in the City of Pittsburgh, the Boroughs of Bridgeville, Carnegie, Crafton, Heidelberg, Rosslyn Farms and Thornburg, and the Townships of Collier, Robinson, Scott and South Fayette in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Chartiers Creek flows into the Ohio River at McKees Rocks, PA, approximately 2.6 miles downstream from the source of the river at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The project provides flood protection by means of a widened, deepened, and in some areas realigned channel and a major cutoff channel. The project also included miscellaneous adjustments and improvements to drainage lines, relocation and protection of sewer lines, utility alterations and replacements, and bridge construction.


Board Member:

Tom Castello

Board Member:

Denise Fitzgerald